Import Snippets from GitHub Gist

Import Snippets from GitHub Gist

GitHub Gists provide a simple way to share code snippets with others

How to import snippets from GitHub Gist?

We've built a tool to help you import your GitHub Gists to

Go to (opens in a new tab). Click the + button next to your avatar and select Import from GitHub Gist

Import from GitHub Gist Button

You can then follow the instructions to import the gists:

If your account is not connected to a GitHub account, you need to connect before importing gists

Import from GitHub Gist Page

Select all the gists you want to import, once you are done, click the Import button. In just a few seconds, all your gists will be imported to

Once all your gists have been imported, we will send you an email to let you know that the import is complete

Complete Email